- 論文の詳細を見る
Large-or medium-sized soil insects (excluding members of Diplura, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Formicidae) collected by Mrs. Tomoko Fujita and her collaborators from four representative forests (Shiia sieboldii-, Cornus centroversa-, Quercus serrata- and Pinus-forests) in the National Park for Nature Study, Tokyo, during the period from September 1978 to August 1979,are listed. The collection data for each species are shown in the following order : type of forest, soil layer, stage and number of specimens collected, and date. Explanations are given of several rare or interesting species, such as Iridopteryx maculata SHIRAKI (Mantodea), Adrisa magna UHLER (Hem., Cydnidae), Cosmodiscus platynotus (BATES) (Col., Carabidae), Hesperus tiro (SHARP) (Col., Staphylinidae), Pollaplonyx flavidus WATERHOUSE (Col., Scarabaeidae), Asphalmus japonicus SHARP (Col., Curculionidae) and an unidentified species of Xiphydriidae (Hym.).
- 1981-03-25
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