<研究報告>本邦に落下, 回収された隕石研究の推移
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Meteorites from thirty two observed falls and eight finds were collected in Japan since the 9th century. If those numbers are divided by land area and compared with that in other countries in the world, it is found that meteorite-recovered-ratio in Japan belongs to the highest group in the world. The ratio trend between observed falls and finds of meteorites are similar with central European Countries but completely different from U.S.A. and Australia. In Japan, those meteorites recovered and collected before 18th century have been kept in Shinto Shrines or Buddhistic Temples carefully as a treasure. This is the reason that we kept the meteorite of the oldest observed fall in the world, Nogata, and other chondrites fell in those periods in the highest ratio in the world. Circumstances of falls or finds has been described in detail by the many observers and finders since the chondrite Nogata-fall, but modern scientific work started only on the occasion of the chondrite Takenouchi-fall on 1880,which was also just when Western style modern science started to develop in Japan. Since then meteorite studies continued with varying intensity from time to time. Over this time, how those meteorites analyzed by mineralogically, petrographically and chemically, is discussed in this paper. On 1984 and 1986,chondrites fell again in Japan after a 26 years interval. Those meteorites were analyzed by modern techniques within a week of meteoritefalls which makes possible to measure cosmic-ray-produced-raioactive nuclides with very short-lives, for example, half-life 5.6 days ^
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