ネパールのドロムシ類 : I. ドロムシ科
- 論文の詳細を見る
Taking part in the National Science Museum Expedition to Nepal 1979 which was carried out under the leadership of Dr. Shun-Ichi UENO, I had an opportunity to visit East Nepal. During our stay made from September to November, I was able to make rather a large collection of the aquatic Coleoptera. Although most of them are still under the course of study, I am going to deal with dryopid beetles in the present paper as the first result of my researches. Up to the present, no dryopid beetles have been known from Nepal, but I was fortunate to obtain a small number of specimens of these beetles during the trip. Thirteen specimens in total were included in the collection; they were classified into three species of three different genera. Two of them seem to be new species and will be described in the following lines, while the remaining one will be left unnamed as it is known from only females. I am very grateful to Dr. S. -I. UENO for his kindness in giving me the opportunity to participate in the expedition and to publish this paper. Hearty thanks are also due to Messrs. Y. NISHIKAWA, M. OWADA and M. TOMOKUNI for their kind help in the collecting trip.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
佐藤 正孝
Biological Laboratory Nagoya Women's University
佐藤 正孝
Biological Laboratory, Nagoya Women's University
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