- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims to clarify the concept of design on Hoken Doro Promenade and it' s spatial meaning. For this purpose, the procedure of this paper is following 3 steps; at first the formation process of Hoken Doro Promenade is given, next the originator of that (Tokutaro Kitamura) is identified, and third by means of rearranging his descriptions the concept of design on Hoken Doro Promenade is tried to be defined. The knowledge of Hoken Doro Promenade that has been gotten in this paper is as follows: 1) The plan of that was tried to make in 3 times from 1938 to 1943, 2) That was a promenade alongside a river, but it differed from the other contemporaneous promenades in 3 points of view; a/located in suburbs, b/specialized for pedestrian, c/tried to construct with a minimum artificial work, 3) That aimed to make the riverside free and keep its environments by setting the promenade alongside a river, 4) That was planed in scenic zones, so the design of that was considered as the view point fields, 5) That was hoped to play the role not only as the introducer of famous scenes but as the inventor no famous ones. So, in short, Hoken Doro Promenade was an institution that is considerd in relation with the circumstance and the pedestrian.
- 社団法人日本造園学会の論文
- 2004-03-31
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