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The aim of this paper is to investigate the secondary buckling behaviour and mode-coupling of spherical caps under uniformly distributed pressure by using a rotational finite shell element. The post-buckling behaviours after bifurcation point are analyzed exactly by considering multi-mode coupling (with several higer order harmonic wave numbers), and on the way of post-buckling path the positive definiteness of incremental stiffness matrix of uncoupled modes is examined step by step. The secondary buckling point that has zero eigen-value of incremental stiffness matrix and secondary mode are obtained, moreover, the secondary post-buckling path is traced. Beside, with the obtained displacement fields, the total potential energy, strain energy including membrane and bending energy components and Astatic buckling loads are also calculated. From the above energy components, the complicated post-buckling behaviours are examined.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-04-30
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