地震時の室内変容に伴う人的被害危険度評価に関する研究 : その2 1993年釧路沖地震にみる揺れている最中の災害回避行動
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Overturning of furniture and human behavior in dwellings during the 1993 Kushiro-oki earthquake was surveyed through an interview method. By describing a mess in each room and patterns of human behavior in the order of time sequence, it was able to make clear that human ability to evacuate strongly depends on the severity of floor response in a dwelling. For example, under the even small tremors beneath of 200 gals refugees cannot walk over a speed of 0. 8m/sec and it takes about 5sec to take an evasive action as supporting furniture, defending oneself, and protecting a child. These values obtained by the investigation could be useful for evaluating seismic casualty risk potential.
- 1996-03-30
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