在来軸組構法における構造用製材の信頼性解析 I : 曲げ強度の特性値と終局限界状態における信頼性指標と耐力係数との関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
Strength distribution models and specified values of bending strength of the structural lumbers used for conventional construction were analyzed. And the relationships between reliability indexes (β) and performance factors (φ) were obtained at ultimate limit states. The results are summarized as follows : (1) Second Moment Method should not be used to get reliability levels, because the structural lumbers in some grades have high variability in their strength. (2) For roof beams, φ = 1.0 should be used for solid sawn visually graded lumbers in the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Lumbers and the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Softwood Structural Lumbers, but φ = 0.95 should be used for solid sawn mechanicaly graded lumbers in the latter Japanese Agricultural Standard in order to get the same reliability levels as steel structures and 2x4 wood frame structures. Similarly in case of floor beams, φ = 1.0 should be used for solid sawn structural lumbers in every Japanese Agricultural Standard.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-01-30
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