分数階 Riemann-Liouville積分と拡張KP階層
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An attempt to formulate the extensions of the KP hierarchy by introducing fractional-order pseudo-differential operators is given. In the case of the extension with the half-order pseudo-differential operators, a system analogous to the supersymmetric extensions of the KP hierarchy is obtained. Unlike the supersymmetric extensions, no Grassmannian variable appears in the hierarchy considered here. More general hierarchies constructed by the 1/Nth-order pseudo-differential operators, their integrability and the reduction procedure are also investigated. In addition to finding the new extensions of the KP hierarchy, a brief introduction to the Riemann-Liouville integral is provided to yield a candidate for the fractional-order pseudo-differential operators.
- 木更津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2005-01-31
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