- 論文の詳細を見る
As I argued before (in my Two theories of truth', 1995), one of the difficulties in elucidating the difference between two theories of truth lies in the situation in which the different parties who never agree on what truth is or what it is to find it may use 'the same' words in showing their theories, though their understandings of those concepts are radically opposed. In Book II of his early dialoque Contra Academicos, trying to refute the Academics' theory of truth, Augustine shows great concern for the concept of probabile of Carneades and also puts forward his own strategic use of the word probabile to elucidate the difference between their stand points on truth. This paper tries to show that some important arguments in Book III can be read as variations of his strategic using of words that had also been used by the Academics. After showing that, reffering to the construction of Book III (1), we analyze the first argument of Book III (ch. 1 to ch. 6) from that strategic reading point of view (2). We may find the different types of use of uideri, that of Augustine and that of Alypius who speaks on behalf of the Academics.
- 熊本保健科学大学の論文
- 1996-03-15
熊本保健科学大学 | 論文
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