新卒看護師の看護実践能力と卒前教育における学習経験との関連から見た看護基礎教育評価 -就職1年後看護師の自己評価をもとに-
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, I investigate the beginners about their nursing competency by self -evaluation through questionnaire at the end of the 1st year after graduation. I separate the competency to four categories; Nursing-process, Interpersonal caring relationship, Membership-leadership, and Learning attitude. I ask them their competency of 3 month and 1 year after graduation, learning experiences, and feeling of usefulness. The results are as follows; 1."Interpersonal relationship between patient and nurse" and "Learning attitude" are high-average soon after the graduation. 2. There are increases in each items of competency from 3 month to 1 year after graduation, especially good development of reflection to the situation.3. Beginners feel strong usefulness about "care of daily living" and "communication with patient".4. Learning experiences of nursing process influence 1 year competency than 3 month competency.5. There is correlation between nursing competency and learning experiences except nursing philosophy.
- 東海大学短期大学部の論文
- 看護基礎教育における到達目標 : 臨床看護学へ繋がる基礎看護学の考え方と展開
- 新卒看護師の看護実践能力と看護基礎教育の関連(2004年度研究経過報告)
- 総合看護研究施設論文集第14号の発刊にあたって
- 新卒看護師の看護実践能力と卒前教育における学習経験との関連から見た看護基礎教育評価 -就職1年後看護師の自己評価をもとに-