三次元円柱の渦励振現象に関するLES解析 : 自由端による渦形成の変化とロッキング振動モードの効果
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This paper shows LES analysis of the physical mechanism of vortex-induced oscillation of a three dimensional circular cylinder. First, we discuss the accuracy of the computed results of free-end effect on the wake structures and the distributions of aerodynamic coefficients in the axial direction of a three dimensional stationary circular cylinder. Next, the present LES method is applied to the flow around a freely oscillating circular cylinder which has rocking oscillation mode. The effects of rocking mode shape on characteristics of the response and vortex motions around an oscillating circular cylinder are investigated. Consequently, we clarified the difference between the physical mechanism of vortex-induced oscillation of an three dimensional circular cylinder and those in two dimensionnal ones.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2004-07-30
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