- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, the qualification of midwifery profession was established as a "Sanba" for the first time in the Meiji era. In Taisho era, the number of midwives increased with an increase of a midwifery academy. In one occupation develops and takes a social role, the existence of a professional organization is very important. The Japan midwives' association was established in 1927(Showa 2), which was a nationwide organization. Before that establishment, each prefecture established the midwives' association. For example, the authorities in Niigata prefecture established the midwives' association in 1889(Meiji 22). The purpose of the association was to require that the uneducated midwives all should attend a midwifery training school which was based upon the modern western medical model. In this paper, I surveyed the establishment process and activities of the Kanagawa midwives' association. I preferred to primary historical materials such as Kanagawa Public documents. It is the Meiji era that the midwives' association was established in Kanagawa first. The obstetrics and genecology doctor, Harukiti Sakai played a key role when the association was established. The purposes of the association were to activate the friendship among members, and to improve their abilities. In Taisho era, the midwives themselves organized their association and played a key role. The Kanagawa midwives' association was established in 1927(Showa 2). And the following year, the rule of the midwives' association was issued by the authorities in Kanagawa Prefecture. After that, the midwives' activities had to be approved by the governor of Kanagawa prefecture before they start acts. The activities of midwives' association were controlled and managed by the prefectural authorities. Midwifery activities to do gratis were most representatives, which was done through the midwives' association.
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