- 論文の詳細を見る
The volatile components which showed a special fragrance of Maitake (Grifola frondosa (Dicks, : Fr.) S.F.Gray) were identified by gas chormatography-mass spectrometry used head-space method. What kinds of different point occur there by the difference of two cultivation methods of wood-log cultivation and sawdust cultivation? Then we identified the volatile components of White Maitake (Grifola aIbicans Imazeki). The volatile components of Kagawa Maitake in wood-log cultivation were aldehydes 0.886%, alcohols 0.580%, terpenoids 0.025% and ketones 1.123%. These of Fukushima Maitake in wood-log cultivation were alcohols 6.587% and ketones 0.534%. The aldehydes and terpenoids were not detected in both case. The volatile components of Mori No.51 Maitake in sawdust cultivation were aldehydes 43.884%, alcohols 18.971%, terpenoids 0.434 %, ketones 2.271% and esters 3.236%. These of Mori No.60 White Maitake in sawdust cultivation were aldehydes 4.963%, alcohols 0.784%, ketones 2.108% and esters 2.382%. The contents of volatile components varied greatly in wood-log cultivation and sawdust cultivation. The contents of volatile components of Kagawa Maitake were 3.026%, Fukushima Maitake, 7.887% and Mori No.51 Maitake, 70.341%. The contents were larger in sawdust cultivation. The contents of volatile components were lower in wood-log cultivation, consisted of 8〜10 ingredients. ln sawdust cultivation the contents of volatile components of Mori No.51 Maitake were larger consisted of 38 ingerdients. Aldehydes and ketones were contained much in sawdust cultivation of Mori No.51 Maitake. The volatile components which were detected commonly in both cultivation method, were 3-octanone and ethanol.
- 東京聖栄大学の論文
- 2001-12-20
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