敗北の歴史を踏みしめ原点へ : 戦後平和主義の失敗認識し再出発を
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The trends in Japan has been a rapid shift to right-wing politics,especially since the end of the 20th century. Now,a concrete schedule has been set for revision of the Constitution and Fundamental Law of Education,which are the basis of Japanese pacifism and sovereignty of the people. Even the dispatch overseas of the self-defense forces has gone ahead without any great opposition,and influential politicians are referring to the possibility of nuclear armament of Japan. Considering these conditions,it is important to recognize that we have suffered defeat on two counts. One is our defeat of the war itself,and the other is that we could not reach a national consensus about what form a new Japan ideally should take. We must now recognize Japan's defeat in August 1945 as the starting point of a new era,and aim at becoming a country respected and trusted in international society. In international politics today,it is necessary to establish a new order of peace,as was done in the period after World War II.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
- 2003-12-24