- 論文の詳細を見る
An effective stress analysis procedure is proposed for simulating dynamic response of a soil deposit involving soil liquefaction and cyclic mobility. The analysis is coupled with an effective stress model which can define stress-strain relationship of liquefiable sand with a limited number of parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed analysis is studied using the accelerations and pore pressures which were recorded in a soil deposit during six earthquakes. The analytical results including time histories of acceleration and pore pressure and Fourier acceleration spectra are in good agreement with the observed values, indicating that the proposed analysis is effective.
- 1992-03-30
- 5.地震災害 : 建築(災害,地盤工学の最近10年の歩み,地盤工学会創立60周年記念号)
- 液状化地盤中の杭の水平抵抗 (特集 杭の水平載荷試験と実務への適用)
- 動的性質1,2
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- 21123 小千谷市内の住宅被災地域における表層地盤の非線形震動増幅特性の評価(地盤振動(5),構造II)
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- 20210 液状化地盤における杭周辺の間隙水圧変動と杭の水平地盤反力の関係(動的問題・液状化(1),構造I)
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