- 論文の詳細を見る
At the connection of H-shaped beams and RHS-column as shown in Fig. 2, stiffness and moment capacity of smaller depth beam are govered by rigidity of column flange. In this paper, analytical study for predicting elastic stiffness and moment capacity of beam mentioned above and experimental results are reported. The elastic stiffness of beam was derived by assumig the column flange would behave as grid beams. For the moment capacity, the theoretical expression was developed based on the yield line theory. And to confirm the precision, the analytical results were compared with the experimental results obtained from 14 simple beam type specimens under monotonic loading and 5 cruciform type specimens of beam-to-column sub-assemblage under cyclic loading. In those tests, the parameters of specimens were thickness of RHS-column, disparity between lower beam flange and diaphragm, and width of beam-flange. The analytical results were closely coinside with the corresponding test results.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1990-10-30
井上 一朗
立山 英二
松村 弘道
松村 弘道
立山 英二
松村 弘道
日本鋼管 鉄鋼研
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