迷路における人間の避難行動実験 : 第3報 出口の探索行動
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This report is to try to study the proper placement of the exit for escape within architecture, by conducting experiments of man's probing actions for exist by means of mazes, and measuring and analizing time required to find exits. As well as in the previous report (No.1), experiments were conducted by putting on view-obstructing hats to restrict the visibility range solely downwards, so as to simplify visibility conditions. As a result, the following were clarified; (1) The distribution of time required to find the exit showed exponential distribution; and the average time required to find the exit that was farthest from the starting point became longer in proportion to the exponent of the number of crossings between the starting point and the exit, which is expressed in formula (1). (2) In the case where the maze was ahead of the starting point, the tendency was observed that the exit which faced in the same direction as the advancing way from the starting point was easier to find, and the one which faced in the opposite direction was more difficult to find. (3) There was little significant difference in time required to find the exit btween the marked maze, which had differently-coloured papers respectively at the foot of each crossing and each dead end, and the unmarked maze, which had no papers.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1985-01-30
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