タマドノについての考察 : 平安貴族の葬法と建築(上)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to consider the buildings which were built on tombs for enshrining dead bodies. The conclusions are as follows. Before the circulation of the Jodokyo, there was no custom to pay a visit to a grave. So the mausoleum was not built in general. In such situation, Tamadonos were very peculiar. These buildings were built from the ninth century to the eleventh. The use of Tamadono was to enshrine the dead body in it, and the subjects enshrined were women in the main. Interior of Tamadono was just a sitting room or a bed room.
- 1989-02-28
- 墓所堂としての仏堂建築 : 平安貴族の葬法と建築(下)
- タマドノについての考察 : 平安貴族の葬法と建築(上)
- 平安時代における建築の学ばれ方(建築はどうやって学ばれてきたか)(建築の学び方)
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