住宅保証制度の研究 : フランスの新制度その2
- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of the study reported herein, continued from the part 2, is to examine the charcteristics of the insurance system which composes the most characteristic part of the French warranty system of building. The principal characteristics of the new insurance system are summarised as follows; :1) The two types of mandatory insurance are legrslated. One is a liability insurance for "the producers " of building such as architects, contructors, builders, vendors of houss etc., and the other is a property insurance for the orderer of constraction or the owner of the building. Both are obligatory only in the case of construction of a building. 2) The mandatory liability insurance covers at least the ten years responsibility of the producers of building. 3) The mandatory property insurance covers, apart from the liability sanction, the repair cost of the damage which may be liable to the producers. 4) The insurer of the property insurance who payed the repair cost in a cace of damage must, in subrogation, require the same sum of money to the producers who are liable on the sanction. 5) The liable producers pay to the insurer of property insurance the each sum of indemnity by thir liability insurance. 6) The property insurance functions, in a result, as the advencement of repair cost of damage. 7) The arbitration organization is established by the law for the dispute between the insurer and the insured under the mandatory system.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1985-01-30
- 編集後記にかえて
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- ワークショップ1 住宅に関する情報提供と保証・保険制度について--表示・保証・保険の可能性と限界を考える (第7回〔1999年度都市住宅学会〕学術講演会報告(2))
- 展望 住宅調査 (建築年報1978年)
- 資料解説・低成長時代の建築需要と建設業の諸動向 (低成長時代の諸問題)
- 低成長時代の建築需要と建設業の諸動向(資料解説) (低成長時代の諸問題)
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- 住宅保証制度の研究 : フランスの新制度その2
- 住宅保証制度の研究 : その 2 フランスの新制度 1
- 住宅保証制度の研究 : その 1 フランスの旧制度
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