- 論文の詳細を見る
This study, based on questionnaire method, discusses the headlined theme. For this study, mail survey were carried out in 5 regions; Nakano-ku in Tokyo, Kadoma-shi and Moriguchi-shi in Osaka, Yamaguchi-shi and Towa-cho in Yamaguchi Pref.. The answerers of this survey are elderly people (65 years old or over) living alone. The important findings of this study are summarized as follows; 1) The most important needs on dwelling of the elderly living alone is 'staying put'. The 'resident period at present dwelling' and 'familiarity with present area' is the most effective element of wish for move. 2) The social isolation promotes not only 'lonliness' but wish for move. 'The frequency of intercourse with friends' is more important than those with and to 'relatives' for the elderly living alone at present. 3) 'Comfortable living in summer' and 'the size of dwellings' is one of the most effective element of wish for move. And the former is the most important item for the elderly living alone in their evaluation of living condition. 4) 'Leisure facilities' is an important item for life of the elderly living alone.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1988-06-30
- 高齢者配慮の住宅改修における介護支援専門員の行動と意識
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