^[○!R]「公共放送」という理念 : ジョン・リースの思想におけるBBCの独立の意義
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss why John Reith, the first Director-General of the BBC, had sympathy for fascism despite his pursuit of the independence of broadcasting from government control. In Japan, it is hardly known that his political thought was quite elitist. This paper shows that it was his elitism to make him pursue independence of the BBC from government control. Because he distrusted government elected by mass votes, he tried to establish public corporations which might be independent from it and enable elites to control the society without suffering from mass democracy.
- 2006-01-31
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- ^[○!R]「公共放送」という理念 : ジョン・リースの思想におけるBBCの独立の意義
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