空調システムの動特性 : 炉筒煙管ボイラの実測・解析
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In order to calculate the real energy consumption of heat source equipment and to analyze field survey data, it is necessary to comprehend the characteristics of them under intermittently operation. Especially this paper deals with a field survey, analysis and simulation of flue and smoke tube boilers. Conclusion is summarized as follows: (1) During operation of the boiler every measurement point of the boiler water indicates almost same temperature. (2) When the boiler is switched on and off in short period, the boiler water temperature of every measurement point changes simultaneously. (3) After stopping the operation, boiler water forms the stratification gradually. The maximum temperature difference of the stratification appears about 30-40 hours later. (4) If the boiler stopped with the steam outlet valve open, a great deal of heat was lost by vaporization immediately after stop. (5) After stopping the boiler and calming down the vaporization, energy is mainly lost by the draft through the flue and smoke tube of the boiler. (6) In this case, 36 % of the boilers oil consumption is used for warming up boilers themselves at peak one hour, and 4 % of annual oil consumption is used for it.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1988-08-30
- 4333 炉筒煙管ボイラの実測解析
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- 4480 EXPO'88青函博エアドームにおける温熱環境に関する研究(その1) : 概要及び膜材料に関する基礎的研究
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- 空調システムの動特性 : 炉筒煙管ボイラの実測・解析
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