ネガティブライフイベントへの不適応的な対処行動 : 重要他者に対する再確認傾向の役割
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This research investigated how reassurance-seeking related to coping behaviors for negative life events, rejection by significant others, and depression. In study 1,107 students filled out a questionnaire to examine the relationships between reassurance-seeking and different coping behaviors. The results showed that reassurance-seeking related to significant-other-aided coping behaviors and non-interpersonal coping behaviors. In study 2, the author examined whether coping behaviors based on reassurance-seeking related to depression through rejection by significant other by 2 wave data. One hundred and sixty students answered questionnaires twice after 3 months. The results indicated that reassurance-seeking behavior and non-interpersonal relief behavior related to Time 2 depression through rejection by significant others. The implications for roles of reassurance-seeking on the occurrence and maintenance of depression are discussed.
- 2006-02-08
- ネガティブライフイベントへの不適応的な対処行動 : 重要他者に対する再確認傾向の役割
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