淀川水系猪名川の河川学的研究(第三報) : 中流部における水温・水質の時間的変動
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ゴルフ橋合流点における,水温及び若干の水質因子の日変化の特徴と,本流及び支流の流量未測定時の流量の推算について考察した結果は次の通りである。1)流量支流の流量は本流流量の約2倍であり,両者の流量比は1.8である。また平水流量及び最多流量は,それぞれ本流が1.2m^3/secと0.9m^3/sec,支流が2.3m^3/secと1.6m^3/secである。2)水温最高水温の起時は全体の75%が14~16時の間である。また水温日較差と気温日較差の比は,夏季において0.4~0.7である。3)pH流量が平水流量より多い時には変動が小さいが,平水流量より少ない時には変動が大きく,昼間に0.2~0.8の変化がある。4)4.3アルカリ度,Cl^-,Ca^2+一般に変動が小さく,1日の変動係数は0.1未満である。また水位変化が大きい時には,水位(または流量)の減少と濃度増加がよく対応する。5) COD 日変化は複雑であり,また突発的に著しく変動することが多く,変動係数も大きい。稿を終るに臨み,猪名川流域の流量・水位・降水量の資料を恵与された建設省猪名川工事事務所,並びにこの観測を遂行するにあたっての熱心な助力に対し,本学の卒業生吉田潤・千田正喜氏に謝意を表する。In this paper we study the hourly variations of the water-qualities at the confluence near the Golf-bridge of the River Ina from June, 1973 to August, 1974 and discuss the trend and range of the daily variations of water-temperature and -qualities based on the previous data and the new measurements of hourly variations from May, 1967 to April, 1973 (cf. previous reports I&II). To consider those variations with discharge, we use the discharge of the water in both the main stream and the tributary near the Golf-brige, conjectured from the actually measured values of the discharge of the water at Mushio (cf. Table 1). The aspect of the variations of water-qualities is as follows: 1. Discharge: The discharge of the tributary is about twice as much as the main stream (the exact ratio is 1.8). 2. Water temperature: 75% of the highest value is measured at 14-16 o'clock. The ratio of daily range of water temperature to one of air temperature is 0.4-0.7 in summer. 3. pH: The range of variation of pH is 0.2-0.8 at the daytime, and pH varies a little over the average discharge and much under the average. 4. 4.3 alkalinity, Cl^- and Ca^++: Each concentration fluctuates a little and the coefficient of fluctuation is less than 0.1 in a day. Each concentration increases in proportion to the decreases of water level when the water level changes remarkably. 5. COD: The concentration of COD suddenly increases or decreases sometimes and its daily variation shows large fluctuation. The hourly variations of the water-qualities are shown to fluctuate as above, so we should use the values observed once-a-day for the water-qualities of the river under the consideration of the above-mentioned range of variation.
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