フランスにおける児童扶助行政の展開(一八七〇-一九一四年) : ノール県の事例から
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During the Third Republic (1870-1914), as the national integration of France increased by leaps and bounds, the state made attempts to reinforce its control over the nation's working class families and make child welfare the cornerstone of its agenda, passing the Protection of Abused Children Act in 1889, the Repression of Child Abuse Act in 1898 and the Child Welfare Services Act in 1904. Historians to date have tended to consider child welfare as a strategy on the part of the state to increase its direct power and authority over the people. In this article, the author focuses on child welfare services provided in the department of Nord, in order to demonstrate that local authorities played an important role in that area. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, France established a child welfare for foundlings and poor orphans, both of which were classified as enfants assistes (wards of the state); but the system varied considerably among provincial departments, since local councils were responsible for its implementation from the middle of the century on. In Nord, the system had two main objectives. The first, and more important, one aimed at the moral education of working class families through the prevention of child abandonment; the second aimed at protecting the children themselves. Regarding the first objective, the author shows that the authorities in Nord did not succeed, since the practice of child abandonment stemmed directly from poverty, not bad morals. In response to their failure, the authorities then decided to focus their attention on the health and moral education of the children themselves. It was at the end of the 1880s that the French government extended child welfare services for the same purpose. Consequently, in Nord services came to cover not only foundlings and poor orphans, but also victims of abuse, juvenile delinquents and children of poor families in general. This was when the second objective came into play with emphasis on keeping children in their homes (secours a domicile) rather than entrust them to foster care. Such changes may signify that the state was making attempts to control the daily lives of working class families in new and ingenious ways; however, it was local authorities who were taking the initiative in the process. The author concludes that central government child welfare policies were based on local practices and were meant to support, adjust and unify them rather than override them, suggesting that 1) the French state's control over the family may not have been as direct as what has been thought, and 2) national integration was implemented through local initiatives, at least until World War I.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2005-12-20
財団法人史学会 | 論文
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