米国における呼吸循環領域の理学療法教育 : 今後10年における日本人理学療法士のための臨床的意味(第40回日本理学療法学術大会(大阪)(テーマ: 臨床的感性からの創造))
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Cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are common among many physical therapy (PT) patients as primary, secondary, or even combined diagnoses. Despite the fact, that the incidence of cardiovascular disease has decreased slightly, the incidence and prevalence of pulmonary disease and chronic cardiovascular disease is increasing. Both disorders are responsible for a substantial degree of morbidity, mortality, and disability. Physical therapists are in a pivotal position to favorably affect the morbidity, disability, and possibly mortality of patients suffering with these disorders via secondary and primary prevention. However, few North American physical therapists specialize in this area and few routinely assess the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems during PT. This is concerning since cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are the leading causes of morbidity, mortality, and disability worldwide. The results of a questionnaire survey of cardiovascular and pulmonary PT education in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand revealed that cardiovascular and pulmonary education in the USA lags behind that in other countries and in the USA they receive far less attention than other domains of PT (e.g. musculoskeletal and neuromuscular). It appears that PT education in the USA is not commensurate with the health care needs of the USA or the world. PT for patients with pulmonary disease is routinely provided by Japanese physical therapists, but it is uncertain if Japanese physical therapists provide optimal care to patients with cardiovascular disease. Greater focus on the health care needs of each country and the world is needed in the educational programs of the USA and Japan. Providing optimal academic and clinical experiences in cardiovascular and pulmonary areas are likely to ensure that PT is commensurate with the health care needs of the world. Not providing optimal PT academic and clinical experience in cardiovascular and pulmonary areas will allow others less qualified to fulfill the need to care for the increasing numbers of individuals throughout the world diagnosed with cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders.
- 2005-12-20