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部分強化学習の習得過程及び消去過程を見ることによって,情報処理に関するサカナネズミ,人間の系統発生差を考察することを目的とした。サカナとネズミに関しては走路学習,人間に関しては予測選択課題の実験を取り上げ,部分強化効果(PRE)の有無を中心として,習得過程を見た。その結果サカナにはPREは見られず,ネズミと人間ではPREが見られる。しかしネズミと人間において,部分強化群間の消去抵抗に違いがあることが示された。結局無強化刺激の残効に対する条件づけ強度の違いによって,単位反応の大きさに系統発生差が生じ,それに応じて強化系列が情報処理された結果,消去抵抗に差が生じたものと思われる。This study was attempted to discuss the phylogenetic differences of information processing among human, rat and fish, through assessing the process of acquisition and the resistance to extinction in the partial reinforcement task. The alley-way learning on rat and fish, and the gambling-task experiment on human subjects were reviewed. These studies indicate that the PRE was found in rat and human, but not in fish, and that patterning effect was not demonstrated in fish instead of the other two species. However human differed from rat after the few-trial training, in that resistance of partial group was regulated by the N-R transition variable in the rat, while human resistance was determined by the N-length variable. This N-length variable has been introduced to explain following extended training in rat. The few-trial training might be functionally a sufficient number of acquisition training for human subjects. The above differences in the PRE or resistance to extinction and the patterning effect suggest that the size of unit response derived from the rate of conditioning of the stimulus-aftereffect of nonreinforcement differs among human, rat and fish. The information from the sequence of reinforcement and nonreinforcement would be processed according to the species-specific size of unit response.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
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