エレベータの巻上ロープ・シーブの摩耗機構(接触メカニズム,トライボロジー,OS7 接触メカニズム,トライボロジー)
- 論文の詳細を見る
An experimental study has been undertaken into the wear performance of the interface between the traction sheave and rope of elevator. In conventional elevator traction drive, the wire rope slightly slide, called creep, on the traction sheaves. The creep has led to the wear of the traction sheave and the rope over the long term. Wear of rope and traction sheave was simulated by a test bench with cyclic load and reciprocating sliding mechanism. The influence of normal load and contact period on wear was investigated at some typical conditions of elevator systems. Wear of sheave are proportional to the number of contact cycles, not the sliding length. The crack was observed on the wear surface of the sheave specimens. The results of this study show that fatigue wear occurs in sheaves.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-11-30
- 2422 AFM による化学的機械研磨現象のシミュレーション
- エレベータの巻上ロープ・シーブの摩耗機構(接触メカニズム,トライボロジー,OS7 接触メカニズム,トライボロジー)
- 3305 1000m/min.級エレベータ非常止め装置用シュー材の摩擦特性(OS4 高速化とサービス向上)
- 301 高分子材料の繰返し非弾性変形に対するモデル化
- 410 プラスチックの摩擦に及ぼす表面粗さの影響(GS-11 トライボロジー(1))