EcoDesign「エコデザイン」 : 次世代文明の指針 : 「エコロジー」から「ヒューマンメディア」
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EcoDesign is a method of environmental management that is based on consideration of the whole life cycle of products and/or services at every phase of development and use, from the design process, through the procurement of raw materials, production of the commodity, its use and its final disposal. EcoDesign based on the concept of Ecotechnology proposed by S. Aida in 1972 aims to maximize the lifetime performance of the product and/or service while minimizing its overall environmental impact. However, a more fundamental approach would be to consider EcoDesign in terms of the way in which required functions or services are fulfilled, so that function rather than product becomes the starting point for development and innovation. Consequently, the innovation process considers the system level rather than the product level during the early stages of the EcoDesign process. EcoDesign is a philosophy that aims to develop social systems that have a holistic awareness that humans are linked both materially and spiritually, joining the Christian concept of Spirit/ Mind/ Body to the Shinrabansho*. It is only through the recognition of this link that humanity can succeed in exploiting the planet's resources in an efficient manner with due regarding the needs of future generations. * Japanese word meaning the entire planet and its ecosystems We, Cranfield University Japan Centre, have held EcoDesign/Ecotechnology International Conferences more than 10 times, organized by the Honda Foundation, International AI Foundation. AIES-Adaptive Intelligence Energy Systems- Project and others in cooperation with Cranfield University and EU in Europe, Universities and Institutes in the USA, Asia, Australia and Japan as part of the activity to make the concept more concrete.
- 2004-11-29