吸気冷却ガスタービンコージェネレーションシステムの経済性(FP4 省エネルギー・小型分散・コジェネ技術)
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This paper describes a comparison of fog cooling gas turbine co-generation system with absorption chiller cooling gas turbine co-generation system. The comparison is based on the actual gas turbine KAWASAKI M7A-02 data and specifications. Contractor's prices and total owner's initial costs are simulated by using Thermoflow's preliminary engineering and cost estimation program PEACE. A brief financial portrait of the system is also shown. The result shows that (1) fog cooling gas turbine co-generation system gives shorter investment recovery years because fogging system is relatively inexpensive (2) absorption chiller cooling gas turbine co-generation system gives higher project revenue especially on high temperature ambient conditions because it gains sufficient power augmentation.
- 2004-06-22
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