家庭用CO_2冷媒ヒートポンプの開発動向(FP4 省エネルギー・小型分散・コジェネ技術)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, about 30 percent of the final energy consumption in the residential sector is used for heating water and about 90 percent of it is met by direct combustion of fossil fuel. For energy conservation and greenhouse abatement, heat pump water heater has been studying and developing but it is difficult to commercialize. Natural refrigerant heat pump water heater using super-critical carbon dioxide was commercialized by collaborating study of Denso, Tepco and CRIEPI in 2001. Because there are many advantages (high-efficiency, high output temperature, low running cost and etc), it is being accepted in the market. Other manufacturers have entered the market and technical developments are being performed actively. In this paper, the feature of CO_2 and the developing trend are reported.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-06-22
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