- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently we hear many discussions about the liberalization of trade in our country. The opinions are divided into two groups with regard to its economic significance. The one argues that liberalization is founded on the will of World Economy which is now going to be embodied in Japanese trade also. The other explains it as the will of Japanese Economy, or Japanese monopolistic capitalism, which has achieved a remarkable development. In this article, we want to present critics and answers to these two views arid, further, to proceed to a study on the influence of liberalization upon the problem of managerial rationalization. In view of structural changes in Japanese industry probably to be caused by liberalization, we think, the essential point of managerial control may be Industrial Engineering and Industrial Relations.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 1961-12-30
慶應義塾大学 | 論文
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