中小企業経営問題の諸様相 : 問題分析のための一措定
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The writer intends, in this article, to clearify the phases of managerial problems in small and medium business in order to analyse them. We want to investigate the reproduction-process of a small capital objectively, that is to say, we would examine how the smaller enterprises perform their managerial activities under the pressure and exploitation of big powerful monopolies. Then, there can be pointed out a great deal of and various kinds of managerial problems in smaller enterprises. So at the first time we set our analytical viewpoint at the inner side of an individual smaller firm. We pick up the problems in accordance with the movement formula of an individual capital G-W {A^^Pm・・・・・・P・・・・・・W'-G'. The phases of the "inner-side problems" are the matters related with (A) Finance, (B) Preparation, c Production, (D) Sales, and (E) the Organization of Business Management. Next, we advance our viewpoint into the economic structure problems of small businesses, the phases of which arises from the difference according to (A) Production-Section they belong, (B) Conditions supporting their existence, and (C) Sizes of their managerial units. At last, we must clearify the place and significance of the managerial problems in small and medium business in the development of our economy. This article is nothing but a bird's-eye view of the aspects and phases of the various questions concerning management in the smaller enterprises.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 1959-09-05
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- 中小企業の最近の諸問題
- 泉三義著, 「中小企業構造変動の分析」, 昭和四〇年一一月, 中央経済社刊, 二〇八頁, 八八〇円
- 中小企業の株式自己資本金融 : S.J. Flink, Equity Financing for Small Business
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- 小企業とオリゴポリー-3-
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- 高宮晋編, 「関係会社管理」, 昭和三六年一二月, ダイヤモンド社刊, 本文・付録三〇七頁, 七〇〇円
- 小企業とオリゴポリー(二) : Vatter, Small Enterprise and Oligopoly
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- 中小企業「経営近代化」の一考察 : そのとらえ方をめぐって
- 坂入・首藤・伊藤共著, 『中小企業の経営』, 経営管理全書12, 昭和三四年一二月, 日本経済新聞社刊, A5, 二六八頁
- 中小企業の経営組織と統制 : D. C. Basil, Organization and Control of the Smaller Enterprise. The University of Minesota Press, Minneapolis, June 1959. pp.97.
- 中小企業経営問題の諸様相 : 問題分析のための一措定
- 中小企業経営問題の分析視角