社会保険運営体に関する一考察 : 保険国営論と社会保険
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The Contention that the government should manage insurance was first presented in detail by Adolf Wagner ; Der Staat und das Versiche-rungswesen, 1881. Later, the pros and cons with regard to management of insurance by government based on the theory propounded by Wagner was argued by many. On the one hand, in the actual insurance circles, social insurance has been managed by the state in almost all the countries but this too has confronted many problems. With regard to the management of social insurance by the state the following 3 points must be considered. 1. In order that the state revenue may increase. 2. In order to use this as a means to ameliorate the laboring classes, which have recently increased its strength politically, economically as well as socially. 3. Social insurance, differs from other insurances, in that it has a character which is not conducive to civilian insurance, and therefore, the state will assume the management in order to permeate the utility of insurance. These arguments were proposed in this chronological order. Even if management of social insurance is delegated to the state of course if it is left without surveyance, it will not run smoothly. The laboring classes must really and correctly understand he structure of its system and the effectiveness, and furthermore they sould promote social insurance and extert its utmost to check its retrogression. If it is left unchecked, there is a danger that this system will be utilized to the advantage of the bureaucrats, reactionary labor bosses and capitalists. If social insurance is rightly managed by the right government it is a step forward to a new world and the various evils that exist in the capitalist society can be removed and overcome. Thus the social insurance system, by mutual help we can build a happy society.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 1959-09-05
- 坂寄俊雄著, 『社会保障』, 岩波新書(青版), 309, 昭和三十三年四月十七日第一刷発行, 一〇〇円, 岩波書店
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