- 論文の詳細を見る
The qualitative improvement of education is often discussed, and various approaches to realizing such improvements have been attempted in recent years. In the field of the qualitative improvement of commercial products, the statistical analysis of process data has a long history and questionnaire surveys for the qualitative improvement of such products are often performed. In this paper, we study the improvement of the quality of education from the standpoint of quality system engineering. However, the method for improving the quality of a commercial product cannot be easily applied to education. In the case of most products, it is comparatively easy to grasp the relationship between the product and the demand, because the persons who require the improvement of products and the improved products are not the same, and also products do not have the mind and heart. In the field of education, students who demand improved education are the same students who would benefit from this improvement, and they are intelligent, motivated, and have their own ways of working. Therefore, when the demand concerning the qualitative improvement of education is investigated, it is necessary to use a method that can clarify the relationship between the demands and characteristics of students. In this study, to analyze such a relationship, a questionnaire survey design is examined and enhanced, and two types of modeling are described and examined, and their effectiveness was confirmed.
- 日本行動計量学会の論文
- 2005-03-28
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