障害児に対する性教育に関する研究 : 養護学校寄宿舎における「性に関する指導」の実態(タイトルと英文抄録のみ掲載)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated it to dormitory instructor about instruction about sexuality in dormitories of special education schools. Instructors of 78.4% have experienced the training about instruction about sexuality. As contents of training, secondary sex characteristic was taken away most a lot-46.4%. Among contents of instruction about a sexuality, as for the thing with what they did, there were the most "menstrual treatment" and "man-and-woman relations" by 51.9%. Among contents of instruction about a sexuality, there were many instructors who considered contraception 60.0% STD 52.0% and masturbation 48.0% to be necessary. Instructors of 41.0% have practice experience of instruction about a sexuality, and instructors of 86.7% of the inside had experience cooperated with a teachers of service schools and 46.7% had experience cooperated with parents. As the whole school, as the whole dormitory, parents, and instructors, the attitude for instruction about a sexuality was negative generally.
- 2004-03-05
- 障害児に対する性教育に関する研究 : 養護学校寄宿舎における「性に関する指導」の実態(タイトルと英文抄録のみ掲載)
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