- 論文の詳細を見る
昭和47年から52年まで淀川水系猪名川流域において,河川水及び地下水の水温測定並びに採水を行ない主要溶存成分について分析を行なった.その結果以下のことが明らかとなった.河川水温の区間上昇度は上流部が大きい.又,地下水の水温は季節変化を示している.次に溶存成分濃度は源流部が低く全般に流下に伴ない増加している.水質組成は中・下流部がアルカリ土類重炭酸塩区に,上流部が中間区に属している.河川水・地下水共HCO_3^-とCa^<2+>濃度の間には密接な正相関がある.Water samples were collected from streams and artesian wells during from 1972 to 1977 in the Ina River basin and analyzed for major chemical constituents. From the results of analyses some considerations were made for the spatial change and the chemical characteristics of these water quality. The aspects of change of water quality are as follows: 1. Stream water 1) The increasing rate in water temperature (℃/km) along the down stream course is larger at the upper reaches of the river than the one at the lower. 2) The head water streams had low concentrations of dissolved solids and pH values averaging 6.6 and the concentrations of major constituents increases with increasing distance. 3) The water quality at the down stream is fairly subjected to the influence of artificial pollutions. 2. Ground water 1) The water temperature shows seasonal variation. 2) HCO_3^-, Ca^<++>, Mg^<++> and Na^+ concentrations increase in relation to distance down stream, but Cl^-, SO_4^<--> and K^+ dose not show the same trend and the higher anion concentrations at the upper reaches of the river are probably due to the mixture of cold spring water. 3. Chemical charactreistics 1) The quality types of the stream and unconfind water which were discriminated in the Key Diagram are as follows (1), No one cation-anion pair exceeds 50% at the source; (2), Carbonate hardness exceeds 50% from upper to down streams and these types indicate local differences due to bedrock type. 2) The concentrations of HCO_3^- have a close correlations with Ca^<++> but generally have no clear correlation with Cl^-.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
- 40.扇状地研究その5 : 愛知川扇状地の水理地質構造(地下水(2),口頭発表)
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