簡易尺度版による現代勤労者のライフスタイル(続) : 社会活動経験を中心に
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This is the follow up study about contemporary Japanese workers' life-styles in today's Japan using revised short scale. It is focusing around generational divide, with or without social-activity experiences and so on. Framework of lifestyle measurement was the same as the preceding study. Life-styles were displayed by present state and aspiration level on the axes of working, living(leisure and freedom)and social-activity(See Fig. 1). Only the number of subjects was different. As 339 subjects(male: 237, female: 102)were added to the preceding one, analyses were conducted on total 640 subjects(male: 447, female: 193)in this study. As the results, both men's and women's general lifestyle profiles were almost same, that is, they want to reduce working and enlarge living and social- activity. Noticeable results by age showed that men in their thirties' and forties' thought their present workings were very high and they wanted to reduce it to lower level. Fifties' present working was between twenties and thirties and forties, and they wanted to be more work-oriented. Though twenties' present working was the lowest, they wanted to reduce it to the lower level like thirties and forties. On the contrary of working, men in twenties' present living were the highest, and their aspiration for living was the strongest, too. Both fifties' present social-activity and aspiration for social-activity were the highest, and the lowest in twenties in order of age. Results of women were not so significant like men. Since contemporary workers' lifestyles were occupied by working and living, both of the present and aspiration level of social-activity were very low. A group with social-activity experiences was compared with a group without social-activity experiences. The results showed that the former group was not only high on present social-activity, but also on aspiration for social-activity. But the most wanted time was not the time for social-activity even in the group with social-activity experiences, but the time for sports and leisure, the time to spend with families and the time to rest and sleep.
- 2006-02-15
- 西川一廉教授略歴および主要業績目録 (津金澤聡廣教授・松本眞一教授・西川一廉教授退任記念号)
- 簡易尺度版による現代勤労者のライフスタイル(続) : 社会活動経験を中心に
- 成果主義に関する心理学的考察 : 動機づけ理論から考える
- 現代日本における中高年勤労者の心理(III) : セントラル・マージナル軸で勤労者の心理を考える
- 職務満足から生活の満足へ(3) : 労働/非労働関係の分析方法について
- 職務満足から生活の満足へ(1) : 余暇を中心とした労働/余暇関係について
- 現代日本における勤労者のライフスタイルについて : その心理学的考察(第9回桃山学院大学・啓明大学校国際学術セミナー,創立30周年記念号)
- 職務満足の心理学的研究(5) : 退職予測について
- 職務満足の心理学的研究(4) : マージナルマンの欲求構造とその満足
- 職務満足の心理学的研究(2) : Job Involvementとの関係について