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Using thirty-six young dogs with milkteeth the effects of hydroxylapatite (HAP) block implantation to repair osseous defect in the upper jaw were studied. Bone defects were created surgically in the upper jaw ; eighteen animals received HAP block implant in the osseous defect (implanted group), and the remaining animals did not reeive HAP block (control group). On 9,16,32,62,92 and 182 days of the experiment, animals (three each) from both the implanted and control groups were killed. Morphological changes during the growth of maxilla were observed in relation to tooth development using both radiographic and histopathological methods. On the 92nd and 182nd days of the experiment, models of the upper jaw were produced from animals with erupted canines. From the triangle formed by three points of first incisor proximal region (A), right-(B), and left-(C) canine cervico-mesial rgion, the ratio of the distance to from (A) to (B) and that from (A) to (C) was determined to assess differences in the bone repairing processes between the control and implanted groups. 1) Gross observations : In the control, the alveolar ridge was depressed during the early period and gradully shortened the distances between (A)-(B) and (A) (C), where as the alveolar ridge and the distances were not change in the implanted group. 2) Radiographic observations : In the control, the border of bone wall in mesial and distal side became gradully unclear. Between the 62nd to 182nd days of the experiment, the surrounding border disapeared and the alveolar ridge was depressed without construction of bone on the labial side. In the implanted group, slight bone resorption was observed around the implanted HAP during the early period, and new bone formation was accelerated both on the surfaces and in the pores of the implanted HAP, between the 32nd-92nd days of the experiment. The marginal areas of the implanted HAP were covered by new bone and that of the alveolar ridge was maintained. 3) Histopathological observations : In the control, new bone formation in the bone defect was similar to that of the healing process shown in the cavity of extracted tooth. In the implanted group, new bone formation around the implanted HAP was delayed compared to that of the control. However, new bone formation was enhanced after the 32nd day of the experiment, resulting in an overlapping of the implanted HAP by new bone. 4) Measurements of the jaw model : In the control group, the triangles were deformed, showing smaller ratios of the distances between (A)-(B) and (A)-(C) on the defect side compared with those on the constructed side. In the implanted group, both the form of the triangles and the ratios of the distanes between (A)-(B) and (A)-(C) were unchanged in both the defect and costructed sides. These findings strongly suggest that the implantation of a HAP block into the alveolar defect surgically created in young dogs may become a clinically valuable procedure.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1994-09-30
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