脊椎の形成におけるMfh1, Pax1の役割(<特集>骨関節領域における結合組織研究の進歩)
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During axial skeleton development, the notochordal signals, mainly Sonic hedgehog are essential for the induction of the sclerotome and subsequently for the differentiation of cartilage that forms the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The products of Pax1 and mesenchyme forkhead1 (Mfh1) gene are expressed in the developing sclerotome and essential for the normal development of the vertebral column. In mfh1/Pax1 double mutant, dorsomedial structures of vertebrae are missing resulting in the extreme spina bifida accompanied by subcutaneous myelomeningocoele, and vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are totally lacking. In mfh1/Pax1 double mutants, morphological defects are strongly correlated with the reduction of mitotic rate of the sclerotome. Thus, both the Mfh1 and Pax1 gene products cooperate to mediate Sonic hedgehog-dependent proliferation of sclerotome cells.
- 日本結合組織学会の論文
- 2000-09-25
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- 脊椎の形成におけるMfh1, Pax1の役割(骨関節領域における結合組織研究の進歩)