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The nuclear DNA content was examined by flow cytometry (FCM) and the changes in a cell cycle elucidated by administering cisplatin (CDDP) and peplomycin (PEP) in human oral floor cancer transplanted in nude mice. 1.In each group administered i.p.CDDP or PEP alone daily for 1,3 and 5 days, body weight of nude mice was significantly reduced, except in the group administered i.p.daily 8.5 mg/kg of PEP, from Day 1. However the loss of body weight was not significantly different at Day 5 among the groups. The greatest reduction of body weight tended to occur in the groups administered daily 4.0 mg/kg of CDDP and 17.0 mg/kg of PEP. In the group administered in combination with CDDP (4.0 mg/kg) and PEP (8.5 mg/kg), body weight was significantly reduced from Day 1 after PEP administration, although that level was not much different from that of the group administered CDDP or PEP alone. 2.In each group administered CDDP or PEP alone, the relative tumor weight was significantly reduced from Day 1. It became the smallest in the group administered daily 4.0 mg/kg of CDDP or 17.0 mg/kg of PEP at Day 3 and Day 5. 3.In the group administered PEP (8.5 mg/kg) daily for 5 days from Day 3 after administration of CDDP (4.0 mg/kg) in one shot, the relative tumor weight was significantly reduced. 4.In the groups administered 2.0 mg/kg or 4.0 mg/kg of CDDP daily, S phase cell populations were significantly increased from Day 1 and G_2+M phase cell populations also significantly increased from Day 5 at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg and Day 3 at a dose of 4.0 mg/kg. 5.In the group administered CDDP (4.0 mg/kg) once as an induction drug under the combination chemotherapy, G_2+M phase cell populations were significantly increased at Day 3 after administration. 6.G_2+M phase cell populations in the group administered 8.5 mg/kg of PEP daily showed a tendency to increase from Day 1. 7.In the group administered 17.0 mg/kg of PEP daily, S and G_2+M phase cell populations were significantly increased from Day 3. 8.S+G_2+M phase cell populations within each group administered CDDP or PEP alone at different doses were characteristically increased up to 49.1% at the highest level in the group administered 4.0 mg/kg of CDDP daily at Day 5. 9.In the group administered in combination with CDDP in one shot and PEP (8.5 mg/kg) daily for 5 days, S and G_2+M phase cell populations were significantly increased in contrast to G_0/G_1 phase from Day 1. 10.From analysis of the cell cycle, it was obvious that the applications of recruitment and synchronization were useful for reinforcement of drug actions to cancer under the combination chemotherapy. 11.FCM was assumed to be a useful method to analyze the effects of anticancer drugs on the cell cycle.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1993-09-30
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