豚肺虫症の免疫に関する研究 : II. X線照射子虫ワクチンの接種量ならびに経口および皮下接種による効果の検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
l. Immunizing activity of various oral dosages of larval vaccine.For vaccination a dose containing 100, 200, 300, 500, or 700 larvae irradiated with5XlO4r was administered orally to guinea pigs. On the 25th day each animal was chat-lenged with 500 normal larvae and killed 15 days after challenge to estimate the degreeof protection. As a result, 4.7, 5.4, 7.6, 4.8, or 5.4 worms on the average were recoveredfrom each vaccinated group in contrast to 135.4 worrits on the average from each un-vaccinated control group. The ratio of female to male worms was approximately 7.2 : lin each vaccinated group and 1.7 : l in each control group. It was concluded that larvalvaccine had a very high degree of immunizing activity and made the recovery rate of maleworms very low.2. Comparison of immunizing activity of larval vaccine between oral and sub-?cutaneous inoculation.It may be reasonable to consider that in the case of oral vaccine, only larvae whichhave penetrated into the intestinal wall are effective as antigen, and that in the case ofsubcutaneous vaccine, all larvae inoculated are effective. In order to find the effectivelarval dosage of both vaccines, the number of larvae having penetrated into various tissues?of guinea pigs inoculated with 1,000 larvae irradiated with 5%l04r was examined pre-Iiminarily by the pepsin digestion method on the 3rd day after inoculation.It was found that about 280 of the 1,000 larvae inoculated orally had penetratedinto tlte intestinal wall. Then, about 280 and 1,000 irradiated larvae were used forsubcutaneous and oral inoculation, respectively. On the 25th day each guinea pig waschallenged with 500 normal larvae and killed 15 days after challenge to estimate the?degree of protection conferred by the inoculation of each vaccine.As a result, 9.0 and 8.0 worms on the average were recovered from the orally andthe subcutaneously vaccinated group, respectively, in contrast to 135.4 worms on theaverage from each unvaccinated control group. The ratio of female to male worms was5.0 : l and 4.6 : l
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1973-12-25
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- 豚肺虫症の免疫に関する研究 : II. X線照射子虫ワクチンの接種量ならびに経口および皮下接種による効果の検討
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