Measurements of X-Ray Anomalous Scattering Factors near the Cu K Absorption Edge by the Use of Synchrotron Radiation : X-RAY SCATTERING PHENOMENA
Saitama Institute of Technology
Hunter S.
Institute For Solid State Physics Univercity Of Tokyo
National Institute for Researches in Inorganic Materials
Saitama Institute of Technology
HOSOYA Sukeaki
Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Yamanashi Univ
Hosoya Sukeaki
Faculty Of Education And Liberal Arts Yamanashi Univ
Hosoya Sukeaki
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Hosoya Sukeaki
Institute For Solid Physics University Of Tokyo
Kawamura Takaaki
Physics Institute Yamanashi University
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford University
Saitama Institute of Technology
- X-ray Interference Fringe of Bragg-(Bragg)^m-Laue Case(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- In-phase and Anti-phase Interference Fringes in Rocking Curves of Resonant X-ray Dynamical Diffraction(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- EXAFS Measurement of High-Pressure Metallic Phase of GaAs by Use of a Diamond Anvil Cell : EXAFS AND RELATED PHENOMENA
- Order-Disorder Transitions in A_2BC Ternary Alloys with the Plane Square or the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice
- Electron State in AlN Studied by Compton Scattering Measurement
- On the Transition Temperature of Molecular Rotation in Long-Chain Compounds With the Discontinuous Model
- Electron State in NaF Studied by Compton Scattering Measurement
- X-ray Interference Fringe in Bragg-(Bragg)^m-Laue Case from Thin Finite Crystal
- Observation of X-ray Topographs Using Borrmann Effect in the Bragg Case
- Determination of Anomalous Scattering Factor by Using Transmitted Rocking Curves near the Absorption Edge
- X-Rays Beam Condensation by Confinement in a Thin Crystal
- Image Contrast of Lattice Defects in X-Ray Topography by Resonant Scattering : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Orgin of Enhanced Borrmann Effect in Asymmetric Laue Case
- Measurements of X-Ray Anomalous Scattering Factors near the Cu K Absorption Edge by the Use of Synchrotron Radiation : X-RAY SCATTERING PHENOMENA
- X-ray Measurement of Scattering Factors of Manganese and Oxygen Atoms in Manganous Oxide
- Absolute Measurement of X-Ray Scattering Factors of Manganese and Oxygen Atoms in Manganous Oxide
- Valiation of X-Ray Emission from GaAs Single Crystal with Incident Electron Beam Direction
- On the Polygonization of Rock Salt Crystals
- Crystal Structure of Dibenzo [c,d] Phenoselenazine
- A Note on the Absolute Intensity of X-Ray Scattering Factor of Powder Samples of Metals
- X-ray Interference Fringes from Weakly Bent Crystal
- Amplification of Reflected X-ray Beams by the Mirage Effect
- Absolute Measurement of X-Ray Scattering Factors of Copper
- Application of the DisPersion Relation to Determine the Anomalous Scattcrino Factors : EXAFS AND RELATED PHENOMENA
- Electron State of an O^ Atom in MgO
- Electron State in BeO Studied by Compton Scattering Measurement
- Two-Beam X-ray Interferometer Using Diffraction in Multiple Bragg--Laue Mode
- On the Polygonized Domain Pattern in Bent and Annealed NaCl Crystals Visualized by Colour Centre Colloids
- Compton Profile of Ultra-Fine Particles of Copper
- X-ray Interference Fringes in Transmitted Beam of Bragg Mode from Very Weakly Bent Crystal
- Determination of Constant Strain Gradients of Elastically Bent Crystal Using X-ray Mirage Fringes
- The Absorption Factor of a Pressed Powder Sample with Varying Density in Depth
- Revision of the Previous Short Note "An Error in the Absorption Factor due to Beam Divergence of Incident X-Rays onto a Flat Specimen"
- Rate of X-ray Beam Confinement in Absorbing Crystal
- Influence of Line Profile on Counting Loss Correction
- Observation of X-ray Topographs Using Borrmann Effect in the Bragg Case
- X-Rays Beam Condensation by Confinement in a Thin Crystal
- Study of Electron State in Vanadium Nitride by Intensity Measurements of X-Ray Diffraction
- Determination of Anomalous Scattering Factor by Using Transmitted Rocking Curves near the Absorption Edge