Application of the DisPersion Relation to Determine the Anomalous Scattcrino Factors : EXAFS AND RELATED PHENOMENA
Saitama Institute of Technology
Kawamura Takaaki
Physics Institute Yamanashi University
- X-ray Interference Fringe of Bragg-(Bragg)^m-Laue Case(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- In-phase and Anti-phase Interference Fringes in Rocking Curves of Resonant X-ray Dynamical Diffraction(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- X-ray Interference Fringe in Bragg-(Bragg)^m-Laue Case from Thin Finite Crystal
- Observation of X-ray Topographs Using Borrmann Effect in the Bragg Case
- Determination of Anomalous Scattering Factor by Using Transmitted Rocking Curves near the Absorption Edge
- X-Rays Beam Condensation by Confinement in a Thin Crystal
- Image Contrast of Lattice Defects in X-Ray Topography by Resonant Scattering : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Orgin of Enhanced Borrmann Effect in Asymmetric Laue Case
- Measurements of X-Ray Anomalous Scattering Factors near the Cu K Absorption Edge by the Use of Synchrotron Radiation : X-RAY SCATTERING PHENOMENA
- Valiation of X-Ray Emission from GaAs Single Crystal with Incident Electron Beam Direction