Switching Characteristics in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals under Application of Bipolar Pulse Voltage
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-09-30
Orihara Hiroshi
Nippon Soken Inc.
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Nippon Soken, Inc.
KIKUCHI Katsuhide
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Nippon Soken, Inc.
INATA Masashi
Nippon Soken, Inc.
HIJIKATA Yoshimasa
Nippon Soken, Inc.
EZAKA Kazuaki
Nippon Soken, Inc.
SHINDO Hitoshi
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
SINDO Hitoshi
Nippon Soken, Inc.
Hayashi H
Association Of Super-advanced Electronics Technologies (aset):(present Address)process & Manufac
Sindo Hitoshi
Nippon Soken Inc.
Inata Masashi
Nippon Soken Inc.
Ezaka Kazuaki
Nippon Soken Inc.
Takigawa Kenji
Nippon Soken Inc.
Takemura Makoto
Nippon Soken Inc.
Hijikata Yoshimasa
Nippon Soken Inc.
Takemura M
Department Of Electrical Engineering Chubu University
Ishibashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kikuchi Katsuhide
Nippon Soken Inc.
- PA17 高速ビデオカメラによる配向ゆらぎの直接観察 II(トピカルセッション-液晶物性計測の最前線-, 2005年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 第18回液晶国際会議報告
- Switching Characteristics in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals under Application of Bipolar Pulse Voltage
- Holding Characteristic of Dark State in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Multiplexing Performance of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Device
- Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal TFMHPOBC
- Switching Properties in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Optical Applications
- Successive Phase Transitions in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal 4-(1-methylheptyloxycarbonyl) phenyl 4'-octylcarbonyloxybiphenyl-4-carboxylate (MHPOCBC)
- Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display Using Tristable Switching
- Layer Structure of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC Studied by X-Ray Diffraction
- Experimental Studies on Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Dielectric Dispersion in the Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC
- Phase Transitions and Switching Behavior in a Fluorine-Containing Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- New Phases in the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Effect of a Polyimide Coat on the Layer Structure in a Surface-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cell
- Pattern Evolution in a Polarization Reversal of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Anomalous Applied Voltage Dependence of the Switching Time in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Negative Dielectric Anisotropy : Condensed Matter
- Polarization Reversal in Several Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : L: Liquid Crystals
- Simulations of Switching Behavior in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Anomalous Switching Behavior of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Negative Dielectric Anisotropy
- Dielectric study of phase transitions in Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3
- Domains and Domain Walls in Ferroelectric Bi_4Ti_3O_ : A System with Biquadratic Order Parameter Coupling
- Spatial Distribution of the B-site Inhomogeneity in an as-grown Pb(In_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystal Studied by a Complementary Use of X-ray and Neutron Scatterings(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Plasma-Wall Interactions in Dual Frequency Narrow-Gap Reactive Ion Etching System
- Mechanism of Radical Control in Capacitive RF Plasma for ULSI Processing
- Brillouin and Ultrasonic Studies of the Ferroelastic Phase Transition in [N (CH_3)_4]_2ZnBr_4
- 片側パターン電極における均一系ER流体のER効果 : 第3報,粘性概算法の提案(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
- Pressure Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties of Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Effect-of Electric Fields on Domain Structure and Dielectric Properties of Pb(ln_Nb_)0_3-PbTi0_3 near Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Crystal Growth and Some Properties of Lead Indium Niobate-Lead Titanate Single Crystals Produced by Solution Bridgman Method
- Domain Observation in Pb[(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Mixed Crystals
- Raman Scattering in (1-x)Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3
- Raman Scattering In (1 - X)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_PbTiO_3 Mixed Crystal System II
- Crystal Growth and Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions of Pb(Yb_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 with a High Curie Temperature near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- 19aWE-10 リラクサ強誘電体Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のアニール効果
- Dielectric Study of the Disordered System in KBr_(NO_2)_x Mixed Crystals
- Photoinduced Degradation of Photoluminescence in Polysilane Films
- 1A06 SmC_α^*相における電場応答(物理・物性)
- 1A05 反強誘電性液晶における電場-温度相図II(物理・物性)
- 反強誘電性液晶の非線形誘電スペクトロスコピー
- 1PA35 非線型誘電スペクトロスコピ-によるSmC^*_α相における低温側のダイナミクスの研究
- 1PA19 レーザービーム集束によるネマチック液晶の配向ゆらぎの観測
- 2B06 反強誘電性液晶 MHPOCBC の非線型誘導スペクトロスコピ-II : SmA相におけるソフトモードの凍結
- 2B05 反強誘電性液晶 MHPOCBC の非線型誘導スペクトロスコピ-I : SmC^*_α相における振幅モード
- I. Musevic, R.Blinc and B. Zeks, The Physics of Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals, World Scientific, Singapore and New Jersey, 2000, xii+668p., 22.5×15.5cm, \21,000, [大学院向・専門書]
- 3A19 SmA-SmC_α^*相転移へのDC電場効果
- 3A18 電気光学測定による反強誘電性液晶のダイナミクスの研究
- PAa01 非線型誘電率測定によるSmA-SmC_α^*相転移の研究
- Initial Oxidation Processes of H-Terminated Si(100) Surfaces Analyzed using a Random Sequential Adsorption Model
- Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_4O_8(124) Phase in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Film
- The 124 Phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O Films Fabricated by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- CF and CF_2 Radical Densities in 13.56-MHz CHF_3/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma(Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges)
- Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of 2-Cyano-3-(2-Methoxyphenyl)-2-Propenoic Acid Methyl Ester
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Sb-Doped ZnSe
- Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy of Nitrogen-Doped ZnSe Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Realistic Etch Yield of Fluorocarbon ions in SiO_2 Etch Process
- Prephotobleaching Process in Polysilane Films
- Photobleaching Process in Polysilane Films
- Field-Induced Phase Transition in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- High-Power CW Operation in V-Channeled Substrate Inner-Stripe Lasers with "Torch"-Shaped Waveguide : Waves, Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Identification of a Structure with Two Supereonducting Phases in L-Ba-Cu-O System (L=La or Y)
- Stable Single-Longitudinal-Mode Operation over Wide Temperature Range on Semiconductor Lasers with a Short External Cavity
- Weak Flax-Pinning Effect between 230 K and 40 K in La_Sr_CuO_4
- A Super Thin Film Transistor in Advanced Poly Si Films
- Low Temperature Polysilicon Super-Thin-Film Transistor (LSFT)
- A Monolithic Microwave-Integrated Circuit Doubler Using a Resonant-Tunneling High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
- An MMIC Resonant-Tunneling HEMT Doubler
- Consideration on the Phase Diagrams of Ferroelectric (Ba,Ca)TiO_3
- Comments on the Critical End Point in Relaxor Ferroelectrics under the Applied Field
- Theoretical Analysis of the Temperature-Field Phase Diagrams of Perovskite-Type Ferroelectrics(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- On Possibility of the Cubic-Orthorhombic Phase Transition in Perovskite-type Ferroelectrics
- Roles of the Higher Order Anisotropic Terms in Successive Structural Phase Transitions:The Method of Determination of Phenomenological Parameters
- Phase Diagrams in Successive Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics with Perovskite-type Structure:Cases of the First Order Transitions from the Cubic Phase
- Lattice Vibrations in Finite Systems with Boundary Conditions Given as the Extrapolation Lengths : I. Continuum Model(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- On the T_s-Anomaly in Betaine Calcium Chloride Dihydrate
- Analyses of Nonlinear Circuits with Nonlinear Impedances and Generators
- Suppression of the Josephson Current in Normal-Distribution-Shaped Tunnel Junctions
- Domain Observation of Pb(Zn_Nb_)0_3-PbTiO_3 Mixed Crystals by Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Observation of the Distribution of the Transition Temperature in PbIn_Nb_O_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions (1-x)Pb(Sc_Ta_)O_PbZrO_3 (0 < x < 1)
- Theory of Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Solid Solution Systems of Perovskite-Type Oxide Ferroelectrics: Engineered Domain Configurations II
- Direct Observation of the Orientational Fluctuations in a Tilted Smectic Liquid Crystal with a High-Speed TV Camera
- The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Disordered and Ordered Pb (In_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystals
- Measurement of Nonlinear Dielectric Constant in Rb_(NH_4)_xH_2PO_4 Mixed Cryatals
- Phase Transition in C_3H_7NH_3H_2PO_4 Single Crystal
- Observation of the Surface Structure of the Free-Standing Films in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal, MHPOBC, by X-Ray Diffraction
- Low Temperature Dielectric Dispersion in Sn_2P_2S_6
- AFM Observation of Ferroelectric Domains on TGS Cleavage Surface
- Hierarchical Domain Structures in Relaxor 24Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3--46Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3--30PbTiO3 near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary Composition Grown by Bridgman Method
- Optical Absorption in Band-Edge Region of (CH_3NH_3)_3Bi_2I_9 Single Crystals
- On Ferroelectricity and Antiferroelectricity of the AO_3-Type Crystal
- Measurement of Elastic Constant in[N (CH_3)_4]_2CoBr_4 Single Crystal
- Measurement of Elastic Constants in[N (CH_3)_4]_2ZnI_4 Single Crystal
- Fiske Steps of Josephson Tunnel Junctions Formed with Normal-Distribution Functi
- Nature of the Low-Temperature Dielectric Anomalies in (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2X_ (X: Cl, Br)
- Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2Cl_ (MAPCB) and (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2Br_ (MAPBB)
- Dielectric Breakdown in Polycrystalline System
- Effective Medium Approximation in Voronoi Network Systems
- 27aPS-8 電気対流下のMBBAの粘度特性 IV(27aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 18pAB-3 MBBA-EBCA混合系における電気流体力学的対流下の粘性(18pAB 液晶・ゲル,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))