B314 微小重力場を利用した Travelling Liquidus Zone 法による二元系化合物半導体結晶の成長解析
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We investigate the crystal growth process of an InAs-GaAs binary semiconductor by the Travelling Liquidus Zone (TLZ) method numerically. We explain this new crystal growth technique and then develop a numerical model and calculation method of the growth of a binary crystal, by which the flow field in the solution, the temperature and concentration fields in both the solution and crystal, and the shape and movement of the crystal-solution interfaces are determined. We focus on the effect of the solution zone width on the crystal growth process and degree of supercooling in the solution in order to grow In_03Ga_07As. We find that a uniform InGaAs can be grown by the TLZ method under lμg conditions by reducing the solution zone width and adjusting the heater speed at the natural crystal growth rate, in which case buoyancy convection and the degree of supercooling are remarkbly reduced.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2002-07-23
- 熱工学 : 機械工学年鑑(2000年)
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