- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of the water temperature on the leaf-emergence at the initial stage of the development in Echinochloa oryzicola VASING., Alisma canaliculatum A. BR, et BOUCHE and Scirpus juncoides ROXB. subsp. juncoides ROXB. under diurnal changes of water temperature was analyzed by measuring the effective cumulative water temperature. A method for the estimation of the progress of leaf-emergence in each type of weed depending on the region was developed based on the results obtained. 1. The coefficient of variation of the effective cumulative water temperature (Σ^<θ_w>) in each plot after sowing and before the leaf-emergence date depending on the diurnal variations of the water temperature was very small in comparison with the coefiicients of variation of the number of days required for emergence, and of the cumulative water temperature for the daily minimum, daily maximum and the average temperature (Table 5). 2. Based on these findings, it was considered that Σ^<θ_w> could be used as an index with high accuracy the progress of leaf-emergence in each type of weed under various conditions of water temperature including diurnal variations. Using Σ^<θ_w> the relationship between the diurnal variations of the water temperature and the progress of leaf-emergence of the weeds was quantified based on the type of weed and the depth of buried seeds (Fig. 5). 3. The variations in the date of emergence of the second leaf in each type of weed, associates with the changes of the date of the final puddling in a normal year in Sapporo, were analyzed. At the same time the data of emergence of the second and third leaves in each type of weed at 9 locations in Hokkaido was defined in relation to the changes of the air temperature of in a normal year. The number of days after the final puddling required for the emergence of the second leaf was the lowest (14 days) in Asahikawa for seeds of Echinochloa oryzicola buried at a depth of 0.2cm followed by Hakodate, Obihiro, Sapporo, Esashi, Rumoi, Muroran and Urakawa. The highest value (20 days) was recorded in Abashiri. When the daily mean temperature was 2℃ higher than in a normal year, the number of days advanced by 2 to 3 days. When the temperature was lower there was a delay of 3 to 4 days. In Abashiri in particular there was an increase in the differences in the numder of days required for the emergence of the second leaf depending on the depth of buried seeds. At the same time, leaf-emergence become irregular (Fig. 5). 4. The method for determining the effective cumulative water temperature is as follows. (1) The relationship between each constant for the water temperature (T) and the number s an or of days required for an increase of 0.2 leaves at the initial stage of growth of the weed (D) is represented by the equation: D= T/(-a+nT) (a and b are constants depending on the type of weed) (Fig. 1). (2) In the above-described equation T_a is estimated for the lowest value of T_I×D_I, and a_i satisfying the equation: a_1・T_1・D_1=a_2・T_2・D_2=……=a_n・T_n・D_n is derived by the equation : a_i=(T_a・D_a)/(T_i・D_i ') and then a_i・T_i is expected as θ_<wi> (effective water temperature) (Table 2). (3) Product summation of θ_w obtained for each value of water temperature with an increment of 2℃ and the time when the increment of the water temperature is observed, is calculated and adopted as the effective cumulative water temperature (Σθ_w) (Table 4).
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1987-08-31
- 11 寒冷地水稲の計画作期および出穂予測に関する情報システムの開発
- 寒地における水田雑草の出葉の温度反応とその地域性
- 11 冷害危険期の葉身窒素濃度の予測と調整
- 108 湛水地中直播稲の出芽苗立に及ぼす薬剤種子粉衣の影響
- 寒地転換畑における雑草発生相の変動と効果的防除法
- 2 湛水直播稲の苗立ちに関する研究 : 第2報、水温・種子埋没深と出芽・苗立ちの関係に及ぼす過酸化石灰種子粉衣処理の影響
- 寒地水稲の作期の計画化について : 第1報 有効積算気温と出穂期の関係
- 36. 寒地における水田雑草出葉の温度反応 : 第2報 出葉の温度反応とその地域性
- 35. 寒地における水田雑草出葉の温度反応 : 第1報 積算有効水温と出葉
- 1 寒地水稲の計画作期について : 第3報 簡易積算有効気温による作期の計画化
- 9 水稲苗の活着と積算有効水温
- 10 寒地水稲の計画作期について : 第2報 積算有効気温と計画作期
- 12 寒地水稲の計画作期について : 第1報 積算有効気温と出穂期との関係
- 3 寒地水稲機械移植苗の形質と本田初期生育との関係
- 北海道におけるタイヌビエの発生生態に関する地域性
- 10. 北海道におけるヒエの葉数進度に関する地域性
- 29. 北海道産オモダカおよび野生化クワイの2, 3の特性について
- 水稲の冷害機構と対策技術指標の計量化(年次講演会要旨)
- 水稲苗移植時の断根と活着(年次講演会要旨)
- 播種量と播種様式が水稲の苗質に及ぼす影響(年次講演会要旨)
- 26.高位収獲田の環境と水稲群落構造の解析(日本土壌肥料学会北海道支部秋季大会講演要旨)
- 50 水田多年生雑草エゾノサヤヌカグサの生態と防除に関する研究 : 第2報 発生時期と密度が水稲の生育に及ぼす影響
- 育苗時の地温が水稲の苗質および移植後の発根に及ぼす影響(年次講演会要旨)
- 苗の地上部,地下部環境が水稲苗の形質に及ぼす影響(年次講演会要旨)
- ミズアオイとコナギの分類と北海道における分布について
- 39. 転換畑における雑草群落の遷移 : 第1報 転換初年目における雑草の発生相(年次講演会要旨)
- 28. 水稲種子の予浸・催芽時の温度・酸素条件が発芽に及ぼす影響(年次講演会要旨)
- 27. 低温下の水稲登熟に及ぼすヒドロキシイソキサゾール散布の影響(年次講演会要旨)
- 10. 水稲の登熟期の気象と登熟量との関係(昭和53年度 年次講演会要旨)
- 7. 稲ワラ施用による水稲除草剤の薬害
- 24. 米粒の成熟と積算有効気温(昭和52年度 談話会年次講演会講演要旨)
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- 9. 大正2年の気象を想定した場合の現行栽培稲の生育相(昭和53年度 年次講演会要旨)
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