神奈川県におけるミズガヤツリの種内変異と防除上の特性に関する研究 : 第2報 塊茎萌芽特性及び初期生育特性の系統間差異
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The existence of intraspecific variations for certain characters in Cyperus serotinus Rottb. in Kanagawa Prefecture was described in a previous report. Variability in tuber dormancy, tuber germination and viability of young shoots among 22 strains was evaluated in this study. (1) High percentage of germination was obtained in the top tuber of all strains in January and March. In the middle tuber, however, a high percentage of germination was obtain ed in all the strains in March, while a few strains (No. 4, 5, 11) showed a low percentage in January. These findings suggest that variation among the strains in the degree of tuber dormancy was not observed in the top tuber, while in a few strains the middle tuber may have remained dormant in January. (2) In the study of tuber germination of 22 strains under 2 conditions (in water, in boiled water), statistical analysis showed significant differences at 1 percent level in the germination percentage, onset of germination, mean value of germination days, number of shoots per tuber, young plant height, fresh weight of shoots, fresh weight of roots, fresh weight of shoots/fresh weight of tuber and increase in the rate of plant height per day among the strains. Also these differences were more significant under strong reduction conditions (in boild water). (3) Of all the correlations between fresh weight of tuber and germination percentage, fresh weight of young shoots or increase in the rate of plant height per day, a low correlation coefficient was obtained except for the fresh weight of young shoots under mild reduction conditions (in water). Especially the correlation coefficient between fresh weight of tuber and the above mentioned characters showed negative values under strong reduction conditions (in boiled water). These findings suggest that the differences in these characters among the strains are due to quantitative differences of the tuber (tuber weight) as well as qualitative ones. (4) The differences in germination viability of tuber and early growth among the strains would suggest the importance of investigations on these characters in relation to weed control in order to improve the control measures at the early stage.
- 1983-12-20
- 184.水田の土壌区分と生産力に関する研究(第1報)
- カブトエビによる水田雑草の生物的防除 : カブトエビの発生数と除草効果
- 34. 神奈川県下各地域産ミズガヤツリの特性の差異に関する研究 : 第2報 県下産ミズガヤツリの系統分類
- 33. 神奈川県下各地域産ミズガヤツリの特性の差異に関する研究 : 第1報 地区内及び地域間のミズガヤツリの生態形態特性差
- 71. 水稲移植田におけるカブトエビの発生数と除草効果(第2報)
- 45. 形態特性の異なるミズガヤツリの直播水稲生育への影響 (第2年目)
- 22. 水稲移植田におけるカブトエビの発生頭数と除草効果
- 33. 水稲乾田直播栽培における雑草害について : 形態特性の異なるミズガヤツリの水稲生育への影響
- 58. ミズガヤツリの生態と春季防除に関する研究 : 第2報 ミズガヤツリに対するパラコート処理と代かきの相乗効果
- 20 乾田直播水稲の根圏の養分状態が生育に及ぼす影響 : 第2報 元肥の下層施肥深度が直播水稲の生育・収量に及ぼす影響