Halogen Cycle Operation Test under Microgravity Conditions Using Sounding Rocket
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1984-02-20
Sawaoka Akira
Research Laboratory Of Engineering Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
R & D Planning and Technical Service Division, NEC Corporation
R & D Planning and Technical Service Division, NEC Corporation
R & D Planning and Technical Service Division, NEC Corporation
SAITO Masatoshi
Space Shuttle Utilization Department, National Space Development Agency of Japan
Space Shuttle Utilization Department, National Space Development Agency of Japan
NAKAHATA Yoshihiro
Space Shuttle Utilization Department, National Space Development Agency of Japan
Kanbayashi Akio
Space Shuttle Utilization Department National Space Development Agency Of Japan
Nakahata Yoshihiro
Space Shuttle Utilization Department National Space Development Agency Of Japan
Mizutani Takayuki
R & D Planning And Technical Service Division Nec Corporation
Yokota Takao
R & D Planning And Technical Service Division Nec Corporation
Saito Masatoshi
Space Shuttle Utilization Department National Space Development Agency Of Japan
Yamamoto Fumio
R & D Planning And Technical Service Division Nec Corporation
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- Halogen Cycle Operation Test under Microgravity Conditions Using Sounding Rocket
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- A Convenient Technique for Shock-Pressure Measurements Using a Manganin Gauge
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