Composition Dependence and Electrical Properties of T_c>100 K BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Oxide Films Prepared by Sequential Deposition : High Temperature Superconducting Thin-Films(<Special Section>Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Preparation of BiSrCaCuO superconducting oxide films with T_c>100 K was investigated by a sequential deposition technique. The nominal composition exhibiting T_c>100 K ranged from 1112 (Bi:Sr:Ca:Cu=1:1:1:2) to 1312, although a volume fraction of the high-T_c phase evaluated by X-ray and magnetic susceptibility measurements was less than 10% at most. A characteristic feature of the films with T_c>100 K was that extrapolations of normal resistance always intersected the temperature axis on the positive side. The temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient for these films is also described briefly.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1988-11-20
向田 昌志
Kuroda Kenji
Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokushima
Mukaida Masashi
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Kuroda K
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Kuroda K
International Superconductivity And Technol. Center (istec) Tokyo Jpn
Mukaida Masashi
NTT LSI Laboratories
Miyazawa Shintaro
NTT LSI Laboratories
Kuroda Kenichi
Ntt Lsi Laboratories:(present Address)the Univ. Of Aizu
NTT System Electronics Laboratories
Mukaida M
Kyushu University
向田 昌志
Miyazawa S
Ushio Res. Inst. Technol. Inc. Shizuoka Jpn
Kuroda Kenichi
Ntt Lsi Laboratories
Kuroda Kazuo
Institute Of Industrial Science Umversity Of Tokyo
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